The 032 Brunch Restaurant, designed by Studio Studio, presents an intriguing challenge: accommodating a beloved pet dog in a separate room within the restaurant space.
Integrating Pet-Friendly Design
The central feature of the restaurant is a curved wall that not only divides the space but also serves as a distinctive element reflecting the client’s request for a dedicated room for their dog. This design choice adds a unique personality to the restaurant.
Unique Motifs and Details
In addition to the curved wall, a low divider is incorporated into the space, mirroring the brick composition of the walls. These design elements create a cohesive and visually appealing environment that complements the overall aesthetic of the restaurant.
Custom Furniture Design
To further enhance the ambiance, all furniture in the restaurant, except for the Thonet chair, is specially designed for the project. The furniture is crafted to exude a sense of calmness and serenity, contrasting with the vibrant walls of the space.
The 032 Brunch Restaurant showcases innovative design solutions that cater to the unique needs of both human patrons and their furry companions. By seamlessly integrating pet-friendly features into the restaurant’s design, Studio Studio has created a welcoming and inclusive dining experience for all visitors.